
Sustainability and Electrification

Expertise in automotive electronics testing, whether it's in infotainment, body control modules, central gateways, telematics or EV batteries.

V2X, ADAS & FSD in Automotive Testing

Automotive manufacturing electronics testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the reliability and safety of modern vehicles. This process involves scrutinizing various electronic components, such as control units, sensors, and wiring harnesses, to verify their functionality and compatibility with the vehicle's systems.

Rigorous testing is conducted to detect any potential defects or malfunctions that could compromise performance or compromise safety. This includes functionality testing, durability testing, environmental testing, and compliance testing to ensure that the electronics meet regulatory standards.

With the increasing complexity of automotive electronics, including advancements in connectivity, autonomous driving technology, and electric powertrains, manufacturers face the challenge of continually upgrading their testing methodologies and equipment to keep pace with industry advancements. By investing in robust testing procedures, automotive manufacturers can uphold high-quality standards and deliver vehicles that meet the demands of modern drivers.

EV Battery Testing

Electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing testing encompasses a comprehensive evaluation of various components, including packs, bricks, modules, and cells, to ensure the overall performance, safety, and longevity of the vehicle's battery system.

At the cell level, testing involves assessing key parameters such as capacity, voltage, and internal resistance to verify their adherence to specifications and standards. This testing is crucial as cells form the fundamental building blocks of battery modules.

Moving up to the brick level, manufacturers conduct tests to evaluate the electrical and mechanical integrity of the bricks, including thermal management capabilities and resistance to vibration and impact.

Assembling bricks into modules involves further testing to validate the interconnection between bricks and ensure consistent performance across all entire modules.

Finally, at the pack level, comprehensive testing is conducted to assess the functionality of the entire battery pack under various operating conditions, including charging, discharging, and thermal stress. This involves simulating real-world scenarios to identify potential failure modes and optimize the pack's design for safety and efficiency.

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