Software Consulting

Exploratory call with customer to gather requirements.

Architect and Develop Applications for Manufacturing and Embedded Systems

Release, Deployment and Sustaining services to ensure satisfaction.

Software Consultants

Our software development services follow a streamlined process: understand your needs, strategize solutions, execute with precision, and refine for optimal results.


Utilizing Agile, Spiral, V-Shaped and Waterfall models, based on a best-fit approach.



In the initiation phase, we define the scope, objectives, and key stakeholders of the project. This involves conducting initial meetings with the client to understand their requirements and expectations. We create a project charter outlining the project's purpose, goals, and high-level timeline. Additionally, we assemble the project team, ensuring that each member brings relevant skills and expertise to the table.



During the planning phase, we break down the project into smaller, manageable tasks known as user stories or features. We prioritize these tasks based on their importance and dependencies, creating a product backlog. The project team collaborates to estimate the effort required for each task and to assign them to specific iterations or sprints. We establish a clear definition of done for each task to ensure quality and completeness.



The execution phase is where the bulk of the development work takes place. We work in short, iterative cycles called sprints, typically lasting 1-4 weeks. At the beginning of each sprint, the team selects a set of tasks from the product backlog to work on. Daily stand-up meetings are held to discuss progress, challenges, and any adjustments needed to the plan. Throughout the sprint, we maintain open communication with the client, seeking feedback and making adjustments as necessary. By the end of each sprint, we deliver a potentially shippable product increment.


Review and Adaption

In the review and adaptation phase, we conduct a sprint review meeting to demonstrate the completed work to the client and gather feedback. This feedback is used to evaluate the product and identify areas for improvement. We also hold a sprint retrospective meeting with the project team to reflect on what went well, what could be improved, and any adjustments needed to our processes. Based on these insights, we make refinements to the product backlog and iterate on the development process in subsequent sprints.

RAPID Deployment with Labview

Test-Driven Frameworks, GUIs and Applications

We have Certified LabVIEW Architects on staff to assist with complex challenges. We are well versed in various frameworks and features, such as Actor, DQMH, Workers, LVOOP and VI Scripting.

quality execution systems for manufacturing test

Elegant and Efficient Testing

Reduce your test time, improve throughput with NI TestStand. We have Certified  TestStand Architects on staff to help sequence your product for test. We are well versed in process models, custom step types, reports generation tools, plug-ins and the TestStand API.

Text-based software solutions

Flexible Software Technology Stacks

We are well-versed in several programming languages. Whether we're adding features to your existing application, or architecting a solution from scratch, we have the tools and expertise to make it happen.

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